Warning: May cause spontaneous summer flashbacks.
☀️ Our Michelada Mix is the perfect antidote to these chilly Texas days. Inspiration for this one came pretty easy, I was just thinking about delicious stuff. It may be slightly out of season, but just a little. Madam Paleta’s Tamarind infused Tequila and Momo’s go together like peanut butter and jelly, and I doubt this will be my last taste with them. Waterloo is everywhere it seems like, and adds some subtle sweet flavor to our tangy, zesty mix! Hope you get as inspired as me and keep the good flavor rolling.

Waterloo +Momo’s Ranch Water
Squeeze half a lime into a Collins glass
1.5 oz Madam Paleta Tamarind Tequila (45 mL)
1 oz Momo’s Michelada Mix (30 mL)
Ice up
Waterloo flavored soda water of your choice (black cherry makes me bananas)