One of our core values is: WE ARE CONSCIOUS
To explain this a little further...
We don’t ever want to cause problems or be a part of the problem. We will do our best to minimize negative consequences to others, and our ENVIRONMENT.
As it is Earth Day, we feel like sharing a few practices our business does to help our mother Earth, but more importantly practice what we preach.
Sometimes at the risk of "tarnishing" our brand, we will upcycle or reuse old boxes, or use something longer than others would recommend. We will fix things multiple times to avoid the "buy a new one cause its easier" loop.
We purchase durable, dish washer safe cups for events that we attend vs. purchasing single use plastic cups! These are known as the Michelada Cup 3000 and they're like a plastic yeti solo cup! They're badass so if you get one...don't toss it!
We use paper cups when we do samples vs plastic cups! I think the benefits of this are obvious and we encourage every other brand to consider doing the same.
We also have an upcycling program in Austin for our bar and restaurant partners where they can turn in 12 old empty bottles of Momo's and get a free full bottle in return. Which turns their trash into pure cash! We then clean and sanitize the bottles and put them back into circulation. We do this, not because we are cheap, but because it seems like the right thing to do. It is not easy and not worth our time to properly care for these bottles, but we still do it because of our core values.
Businesses create a lot of waste in trying to create a product and build a brand. We are not trying to shame anyone, but rather we are setting an example for others to make some little decisions that have seemingly no real impact but could if enough people were conscious and cared enough.
