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Vegan and Proud

As you know, we are very proud and particular about all of the ingredients that go into each bottle of Momo’s michelada mix, but what you may not know is that we are just as excited about what isn’t included. Every bottle of Momo’s is Vegan, which means that we get the beautiful and balanced umami flavor you know and love, without including any animal products.

Whether you realized it or not, most ready made michelada and bloody mary mixes are made with some form of animal product. In fact, most commercially available michelada mix and bloody mary mix contain any number of ingredients that are off limits to vegans, including clam juice, beef broth, beef bullion, worcestershire sauce and more.

What?! Cocktail Mix Contains Meat?!?!

Well, not meat exactly, but most ready to drink cocktail mixes contain some form of animal product to provide an umami flavor.

There's clam juice in many Bloody Marys, believe it or not. On some tomato juice bottles, you can plainly read “CLAMATO.” In other cases, the label of the bloody mary mix or michelada mix must be read carefully to see if it's free of clam juice.

Of all things, beef broth is one ingredient to be wary of in many drink mixes. A Bloody Mary made with beef broth should technically be called a Bloody Bull, but people don't always follow the rules. Some bars serve Bloody Marys as signature drinks, with all kinds of twists and unexpected additions, so it never hurts to ask what's in them.

Occasionally, beef bullion can even be found in Bloody Mary mixers.

Let’s Talk Worcestershire

Many mass-produced Michelada mixes and Bloody Mary mixes contain Worcestershire sauce. Anchovies are commonly found in many name brand Worcestershire sauces. Vegan versions are available - for example, Annie's - as well as many store brands, but most of these aren’t used in cocktail mixers.

Check the label of your mixer for anchovies if you use one, because the use of anchovies does away with a vegan drink mix.

How does Momo’s stay Vegan?

Here at Momo’s, we have been very intentional about all of the ingredients that we put into our authentic vegan michelada mix. From the beginning, we made sure to keep our ingredients natural to accommodate not only vegan customers but also other dietary restrictions (gluten free, tomato free, etc.).

That doesn’t mean that we are sacrificing on flavor. We are able to achieve a rich umami flavor by roasting vegetables, citrus, spices and chilis to achieve a depth of flavor that reflects a truly delicious michelada. In addition to being a delicious and savory miche, many of our customers (especially those that are vegan) use Momo’s as their brunch cocktail of choice in a Momo’s Bloody Mary. Check out the recipe here.

Many believe that being a vegan means you have to sacrifice on the flavor in your life, but that certainly isn’t true. Give our Vegan drink mix a try.


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